Reliable and Accurate IoT meters with real-time data at your finger tips
SunPV AquaFit Wireless Remote Systems offers reliable remote monitoring solutions for accurate measurements. The detailed information provides daily water consumption, flow of water, quality of water and water levels in an interactive dashboard with the help of loT smart meters and LoraWAN gateway technology
Is a wireless technology where it transmits small data packages to a receiver over long distance. The Gateway, receives the data from End-Nodes and then transmits them to a network server. Network server validates the data and finally forwards the application payload to an application server
The special compact design has IP68 compliant and thus ensures total protection from the environment. This technology ensures cutting down the total cost of ownership and reducing the overall cost of the system
IoT based Water Level Monitoring system is an innovative system which will inform you about the level of water and will prevent it from overflowing
Ultrasonic level sensor will be mounted inside water tanks. The sensor detects the level of the water and sends the data to a LoraWan gateway. The data is further transmitted to cloud, where it converts the raw data into meaningful information (water level) and also switching on/off of the pump can be automated based on these data points
Water Quality Monitoring System will monitor quality of the water. The loT can detect and calculate the amount of chemical residues present in the water by measuring and monitoring the data captured and drawing real-time analysis of the water quality.
These loT meters helps to get information such as -
SunPV AquaFit comes with a centralized dashboard on which you will get all the information such as Water Consumption, Water Quality, Water Levels with historical data and billing facilities, leakage detection, valve closures and excess consumption notifications
The device is capable of monitoring the consumption and notifies alerts with the LoRa technology. SunPV AquaFit maintenance-free and highly precise throughout its flexible 10-15 years battery life
Supports multiple communications interfaces and leverages LoRaWAN connectivity. All device communication is secured
SunPV AquaFit water meters comes with integrated communication that allows for safe and easy remote reading without any add-on devices
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